Fire Prevention Planning
The Planning Stage
The following information will make you aware of what the Fire Prevention Bureau will be looking for in the early planning stages of your development.
Provide a descriptive summary of what the business is and what it does. This will aid us in determining if additional requirements maybe needed so they may be implemented during the development of your site.
Fire Hydrants
- Hydrants shall be at least 50 feet from building and located 5 feet from an all-weather access roadway.
- Hydrants to be on looped water mains, minimum of 6 inches
- Hydrants to have no obstructions within 5 feet. If subject to vehicle damage, hydrant to be protected by minimum of 4 inches in diameter steel posts filled with cement.
- Minimum of 2 hydrants shall be located so no portion of the building will be over 400 feet from a hydrant by access route.
- Provide site plan with all existing and/or proposed hydrants within 500 feet of building.
Fire Department Access
- Access route to allow fire engine to be located so all interior points of building can be reached with 150 feet of hose.
- Access route to be minimum of 20 feet wide, all-weather roadway.
- Dead-end access routes more than 150 feet in length shall have a turnaround of 90 feet diameter or other approved outlet.
- Fire Department connection (4 inches of Storz) to be within 10 feet of pavement, facing street of address.
- Permanent roadway base or an all-weather access road required to within 50 feet of foundation during construction.
- Provide enclosure of sprinkler riser area and exterior access to riser room.
Permit Applications
Separate Plans and Fire Permits Applications required for:
- Bonfires
- Fireworks
- Hazardous Materials Storage
- Open Burning
- Temporary construction tanks (propane, gas, and diesel)
Hazardous Materials
A Hazardous Materials Disclosure statement(PDF, 67KB) needs to be completed for the intended occupant to determine if additional requirements will be needed. Submit to:
44 E Downer Place
Aurora, IL 60505
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