
APD Patch with black background.jpg

Use of Force Policy

The Aurora Police Department’s Use of Force policy provides guidelines on the reasonable use of force used by our officers while they are protecting the City of Aurora.

Our Use of Force policy is based off federal and state case law and best practices of law enforcement agencies across the nation. Each day, officers are involved in numerous and varied interactions with the community. We train each one of our police officers to have an understanding of, and true appreciation for, their authority and limitations. This is especially true with respect to overcoming resistance while engaged in the performance of law enforcement duties.

APD recognizes and respects the value of all human life and dignity without prejudice.

Aurora Police Department’s Use of Force Policy(PDF, 26KB)

Training Policy

The Aurora Police Department prides itself on our training. APD has one of the most rigorous training programs in the state for officers throughout the year. Our training is developed in alignment with the final report from The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing and the concepts of Procedural Justices that ensures actions by our officers are proportional, legal, authorized, necessary and ethical.

APD also focuses on Crisis Intervention and de-escalation training, especially during scenario-based training exercises. APD provides ongoing training and encourages all personnel to participate in advanced training and formal education on a continual basis that is specific to their role and/or specialized unit within the department.

Aurora Police Department’s Training Policy

Unmanned Aerial System

Immigration Violations