Make a Plan
Have a family meeting and discuss what types of emergencies that can happen. Discuss what to do as the emergency is happening and actions to take when the initial danger is over.
Have a Place to Meet After the Emergency
- Have a designated location near your home if you home is not safe.
- Have a designated location outside of the neighborhood in case your neighborhood is located in a danger zone.
- Have an out of area contact person to call that would likely not be affected by the emergency. If family members cannot reach each other they should call the out of area contact who can help relay messages and help everyone reconnect.
Reference the following Illinois Terrorism Task Force for examples on a communication plan.
Communication Plans
Have an Emergency Supply Kit
During an emergency is it important to have an Emergency Supply Kit that contains basic survival items that are necessary during an emergency. There should be a kit for home and one for if you have to evacuate your home (A Go Kit).
These kits should include enough supplies including food, water, and medicine. Follow the link to the Illinois Terrorism Task Force on developing a Disaster Kit.
Disaster Kits
Have a Go Bag
If you need to leave your home quickly having a prepared Go Bag ensures you and your entire family will have the necessary supplies whatever situation arises.
Important Guidelines for Developing a Go Bag
- Every family member should have their own Go Bag.
- The Go Bag should be easy to carry.
- Go Bags should be stores in an easy place to grab it and go.
- Go Bags should be prepared for anytime of the year and weather season.
- Go Bags should be check and updates twice a year.
Recommended Items
- Battery operated AM/FM radio
- Blanket
- Bottled water
- Cash in smaller bills, Coins for pay phones, Credit Cards / Debit Cards
- Comfortable /Sturdy Shoes
- Copy of family communications plan
- Extra hearing aid batteries
- Extra house /car keys
- Extra pair of glasses or Contacts
- Flashlight & Batteries
- Hat / Gloves
- List of Doctors & Phone Numbers
- Manual Can opener
- Non-Perishable food
- Paper, pens, tape, dust mask
- Plastic garbage bags
- Pocket knife
- Prescriptions for 1 week / copies of prescriptions
- Rain gear
- Regional Map
- Small first aid kit
- Soap/tooth brush/ feminine hygiene products
- Toilet Paper
- Warms clothes
- Whistle
Additional Recommendations
Have copies of important documents in a waterproof container (IDs, insurance information, proof of address, passports, etc.). We also recommend having a recent family photo for identification purposes - make sure everyone's face can be seen clearly.
Weather Inquiries
Call 630-256-4636 for all weather-related inquiries.