Community Prevention
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector Act
Every dwelling unit will be required to have at least one approved carbon monoxide alarm in an operating condition within 15 feet of every room used for sleeping purposes.
Escape Plan
Your ability to get out depends on advance warning from smoke alarms and advance planning.
Fire Safety Education
In a sincere effort to keep our young children safe our department is continuing our commitment to fire prevention.
Fire Safety Brochures
These fire safety brochures cover home escape routes, candle safety, kitchen cooking fire safety and the importance of smoke detectors and are available in both English and Spanish.
Grilling on Decks
Grilling on decks of multi-unit complexes using open-flame cooking devices is not allowed in the City of Aurora.
Los Conectores Flexibles De Gas
El cuerpo de bomberos de la ciudad de Aurora ha publicado una advertencia importante de seguridad referente a la posible falla de ciertos conectores flexibles del gas que proveen gas desde las tuberías a los aparatos electrodomésticos tales como estufas, secadoras, calentadores de las habitaciones, calentadores de agua caliente y hornos.
Open Burning
Regular garbage pick up and recycling programs have reduced the need to dispose of waste products by burning. In addition burning can create particulate matter; pollutants are created that effect respiratory systems.
Outdoor Fireplace
Conditions for use of an outdoor fireplace shall be for single-family residential property only.
Safety Tips
Find safety tips for parents in taking care of their children, and general fire safety tips for any residence.