Graduated License Information

Initial Licensing Phase - Drivers Age 16 to 17

  • Parent/guardian must certify that a minimum of 50 hours of practice driving, including 10 hours of nighttime driving, has been completed.

  • Parent/guardian must accompany teen to provide written consent to obtain a driver's license, or complete and notarize an Affidavit/Consent For Minor to Drive form.

  • Must have completed a state-approved driver education course.

  • A nighttime driving restriction is in place:

    • Sunday - Thursday
      10 p.m - 6 a.m.

    • Friday - Saturday
      11 p.m. - 6 a.m. 

    • Local curfews may differ from the nighttime driving restriction.

  • Must maintain a conviction-free driving record for six months prior to turning age 18 before moving to the Full Licensing Phase. A traffic conviction during the initial licensing phase may extend restrictions beyond age 18.

  • All occupants under age 19 must wear safety belts.

  • For the first year of licensing, or until the driver is age 18, whichever occurs first, the number of passengers is limited to one person under age 20, unless the additional passenger(s) is a sibling, step-sibling, child, or step-child of the driver. After this period, the number of passengers is limited to one in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat.

  • Cell phone use while driving is prohibited except in the case of an emergency to contact a law enforcement agency, health care provider or emergency services agency.

Full Licensing Phase - Drivers 18 to 20

No age-related restrictions apply except in cases where a driver fails to move from the Initial Licensing Phase to the Full Licensing Phase. Cell phone use while driving for persons under age 19 is prohibited except in the case of an emergency to contact a law enforcement agency, health care provider or emergency services agency.


  • 6-107 (e) * Violation of GDL - passenger limitation for drivers under age 18

  • 6-107 (f) * Violation of GDL - child restraint violation for drivers under age 18

  • 6-107 (g) * Violation of GDL - first 6 months after issuance of driver's license on passenger limitations for drivers under age 18

  • 12-610.1 (b) 10 Under age 18 using cell phone while driving

  • 6-107.1 (a)*Violation of instruction permit

  • 6-107.1 (b) * Violation of curfew law - under age 17

  • 6-110 (a) * Violation of curfew law - under age 17

  • 6-113 (e) * Violation of restriction on driver's license, special restricted license or permit