Operational Permits

Requirement in Instance of Potentially Greater Hazards

Operational permits allow for extra requirements to be placed on certain activities or processes that present a greater hazard to life or property.

Description & Quantities of Hazardous Materials

Current Operational permits that are required by the 2009 International Fire Code are listed below along with a brief description and minimum quantities before permit is required.

  • Aerosols-manufacture, handle or store 500 pounds or more of level 2 or 3 aerosol products.(Based on propellant's flammability)
  • Assembly-for occupant loads over 600 or more than 100 occupants above or below grade.
  • Battery Storage-stationary lead-acid systems over 50 gallons capacity.
  • Compressed Gases - storage, use or handling at normal temperature of below types of gases.
    • Corrosive-200 cubic feet
    • Flammable-200 cubic feet
    • Highly Toxic-any amount
    • Inert-6000 cubic feet
    • Oxidizing-504 cubic feet
    • Toxic-any amount
  • Cryogenic Fluids-to produce, store, use, handle or dispense in excess of below requirements.
  • Flammable cryogenic-1 gallon inside; 60 gallons outside
  • Inert-60 gallons inside; 500 gallons outside
  • Oxidizing-10 gallons inside; 50 gallons inside
  • Physical or health hazard not listed-any amount
  • Flammable/Combustible Liquids-to manufacture, store, use, or handle:
    • Class I more than 5 gallons
    • Class II or IIIA over 25 gallons
    • To install, change use, alter, remove, abandon, and place temporary out of service any below ground tank or above ground tank.
  • Fireworks
  • Hazardous materials-store, dispense, use, handle or transport on site any chemical that poses a health or physical hazard.
  • High Piled Combustible Storage-the storage of combustibles where the top of storage exceeds 12 feet or over 6 feet for plastics and some other special products.
  • LP Gas-storage and use over 60 gallons
  • Outdoor Fireplace-allows open burning in an approved fireplace for single-family homes only. Application lists the requirements.
  • Open Burning-not allowed without a permit
  • Spray or dipping process-using flammable /combustibles liquids or combustible powers.
  • Tire Storage-scrape tires or tire byproducts that exceed 2500 cubic feet or inside storage of tires or tire products.
  • Tents (if 120 square feet or more)-requires a building permit, a flame retardant certification, a clear 12 foot wide firebreak on all sides (no guy ropes or stakes) If electrical lighting, emergency lights and exit signs with battery backup maybe required in accordance with IFC/2009 Chapter 10. Location and width of Exit(s) Main entry 72 inches wide.


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