Special Needs Aurora Police Program (SNAPP)

The Special Needs Aurora Police Program (S.N.A.P.P.) is a voluntary program implemented to assist both residents with special needs and their family members. The program was designed to help residents communicate their unique and individualized needs to first responders as well as assist our first responders during their efforts to modify their response and interactions during an emergency and/or crisis. S.N.A.P.P is available to all Aurora residents with special needs including but not limited to mental disabilities, physical disabilities, dementia and Alzheimer's disease, Deaf, hard of hearing, Blind or vision impaired. This program is also inclusive to anyone who regularly visits Aurora due to employment, education, daycare, etc. and the information provided remains valid for a period of 2 years.

Currently, there are two types of registrations available:

  1. A registration specifically for family/guardians completing the information on behalf of a minor or person in their care
  2. A self-registration form for residents providing information regarding their own needs

After completing the proper registration form, there are also two types of releases available:

  1. A release specifically for family/guardians completing the information on behalf of a minor or person in their care
  2. A self-release for residents providing information regarding their own needs

By filling out the appropriate registration and release, residents and their parents/guardians are consenting to have this information added to the Aurora Police Department's searchable database. The information provided will be available to law enforcement, paramedics and firefighters responding to a home or any location within Aurora involving a registered participant and will assist with efforts in providing safe, effective and appropriate responses. 

If choosing to complete the hard copy versions, these forms can be mailed directly to the Crisis Intervention Unit:

Aurora Police Department
Attn: Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU)
1200 E. Indian Trail
Aurora, Il 60505

If a photo of the registrant is available, it may be mailed with the completed forms however, it is preferred any photos are e-mailed to snapp@apd.aurora.il.us with the subject title including the registrant’s name. In addition, we have provided a more convenient way to register electronically in one easy step.  The electronic versions include both the registration and release in one location and can be sent simply by clicking on "submit".  If you prefer this method for registration, see this option below where registration forms are provided. 

Register Yourself

If you are a person with special needs and you would like to participate in SNAPP, fill out the SNAPP Registration Form and the SNAPP Self Release Form. Forms may be e-mailed to snapp@apd.aurora.il.us or they can be mailed and/or hand delivered to the Crisis Intervention Unit at the following address:

Aurora Police Department
Attn: Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU)
1200 E Indian Trail
Aurora, IL 60505

Register Your Family Member

If you are the parent or guardian of a person with special needs and you would like to participate in SNAPP on behalf of your loved one, fill out the SNAPP Registration Form and the SNAPP Guardian Release Form. Forms may be e-mailed to snapp@apd.aurora.il.us or they can be mailed and/or hand delivered to the Crisis Intervention Unit at the following address:

Aurora Police Department
Attn: Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU)
1200 E Indian Trail
Aurora, IL 60505

Registration Forms

More Information

For more information about the Special Needs Aurora Police Program, contact the Crisis Intervention Unit at 630-256-2483.