What are the times for curfew and what are the penalties?

For youths ages 15 and under, 10 p.m. daily. For youth ages 16-17 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and curfew is at 12 a.m. (midnight) on Friday and Saturday. If the juvenile is in a car at the time of arrest, it can be impounded at a cost no less than $150 plus storage fees, no matter who owns the vehicle. The juvenile will be arrested, photographed, and fingerprinted. The guardian/parent will be called to pick up the minor. They also may have to appear in local court. There are exceptions in this ordinance to allow for work, school activities, and church events. Further charges against the parent or guardian are also possible.

Section 29-20 City of Aurora Code of Ordinances

Who do I contact regarding how to become a Police Officer?

 Contact APD's Recruiting Team by calling (630) 256-COPS (2677) or via email at joinapd@aurora.il.us

You can also learn more about our department by clicking here.

When is the next testing date to become a Police Officer?

Testing dates and more information on how to join the team at the Aurora Police Department are posted on our recruiting website.

What are the rules for parking on the street during snow removal?

It is unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle or, if parked, to allow a motor vehicle to remain parked or standing in any public street or alley during or after a snowfall in which there is an accumulation of 2 inches of snow or more. Violation of this ordinance may result in the removal of the vehicle at the owner’s expense.


How do I get a temporary handicap placard?

A form can be obtained from the Aurora Township Office, located 80 North Broadway, and then may be taken to and filled out by the applicant’s doctor. The form then should be taken back to the Township Office a placard can be issued on the spot. If you need a long-term or handicap placard or handicap license plates please contact the Secretary of State’s office.

Where do I obtain an accident report for insurance claims, and what is the cost?

Copies of accident reports can be obtained from the Aurora Police Department, 1200 East Indian Trail Road, at the front desk. Staff from the Records Department are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Copies cost $5 per report.

You can also obtain a copy of a crash report quickly and easily online by clicking here.

Are there any Crime Free Housing Program training classes available?

Yes, we offer property owners a program called Crime Free Multi-Housing Program which consists of an 8hour long class that is held twice a year. Topics of discussion include the following:

- Applicant Screening
- Evictions and Court Proceedings
- Fire Safety
- Human Rights and Fair Housing
- Licensing and Inspections
- Nuisance Abatement
- Rental Agreements
- Section 8 and Public Housing

If you are interested in attending, please call Officer Gary Wrobel at 630-256-5482.

Crime Free Multi-Housing Program page


How do I report graffiti that has been painted on my home or property?

Call 630-256-INFO to make a report. In order to determine whether your property has been painted with “tagging” or “graffiti”, you should contact the Police Department at 630-256-5000 to file a report. Although the home owner is encouraged to remove the graffiti after the police have investigated, the City can assist in this matter. A removal report will be submitted to the City of Aurora’s Sanitation Department 630-256-3680 and a crew will be out to try and remove it.

Is there someone who can help us with the proper installation of a child/infant safety seat?

You may contact the Traffic Division at 630-256-5330 to schedule an appointment.

How do my neighbors and I start up a Community Group on our block?

At least 70% to 80% neighborhood participation is required. Find out what day of the week would be best to have a meeting. It’s best to have two dates available prior to contacting a Community Policing Officer. Consider a meeting location and it’s availability. Contact a Community Policing Officer 630-256-5000 to request a meeting and complete arrangements. Please Do not make any commitments before speaking to a Community Policing Officer.

Who do I contact regarding a parking ticket?

Questions regarding parking tickets should be directed to the city’s Motor Vehicle Parking Services.

What if I have a question on, or miss, a court date?

Aurora is geographically located in four different counties. If you have a question on, or miss, a court date, you should call the circuit clerk of the county in which the case originated:

- DuPage County, call 630-407-8700

- Kane County, call 630-232-3413

- Kendall County, call 630-553-4183

- Will County, call 815-727-8592

What is the City of Aurora’s Noise Ordinance?

What are the laws concerning loud noise from vehicles?

The Aurora Police Department aggressively enforces the Illinois State Statute that dictates that noise coming from vehicles (i.e. loud stereos) cannot be heard more than 75 feet away. In the City of Aurora, violators of this law can be issued a $250 citation for the first offense, $500 for a second offense if it occurs within a year of the first, and $1000 for a third violation that occurs any time after the second.