Community Oriented Policing (COP) Unit
The Community Oriented Policing Unit (COP Unit) falls under the Patrol Bureau of the Aurora Police Department. The unit is comprised of 17 officers and three sergeants who work in the three geographical patrol areas that make up the City of Aurora. Each patrol area is assigned its own COP squad which consists of a sergeant and six officers. The officers in return are assigned to the various designated police districts within their assigned area. These officers act as trouble-shooters addressing various crime and quality of life issues that affect the City of Aurora, specifically within their assigned area/district. Taking an ownership-like mentality, these officers work hand-in-hand with the residents and businesses to make their community a better place to live and work. These officers accomplish this by employing Community Oriented Policing philosophies combined with the strategies and practices of Problem-Oriented Policing.
Community Oriented Policing is a philosophy that combines traditional aspects of law enforcement with prevention measures, problem-solving, community engagement, and community partnerships. Problem Oriented Policing is a policing strategy that involves the identification and analysis of specific crime and disorder problems, in order to develop effective response strategies.
The COP Unit utilizes a variety of tools to address issues within their assigned area. These range from obtaining Trespass Agreements for properties, initiating Nuisance Abatement on problem residences, and conducting CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) surveys for residents, businesses, and schools to deter crime. The COP Unit also works to educate the public by coordinating and overseeing the Citizen Police Academy, the Youth Academy, and the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. Through its various programs and initiatives, the COP Unit embodies that of the Aurora Police Department’s Mission Statement which states “We will enhance the quality of life in Aurora through innovation, partnerships, and dedicated service to our community."
Please click here for additional information regarding Community Oriented Policing.
Please click here for information about the Community Oriented Policing officers and their areas of responsibility.
Safety and Crime Prevention Presentations
The Community-Oriented Policing Unit is equipped to handle a variety of crime prevention and safety presentations for organizations and groups. Some of the topics that can be covered are listed below. If you want to request a talk, please call the Community Oriented Policing Unit at 630-256-5890.
- Child Personal Safety - Stranger Danger
- Cybersafety for Kids Online - A Parent’s Guide
- Tips for Parents on Children Left Home Alone
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) For Home and Business
- Safety for Women
- Scams and Con Games
- School Safety
- Senior Citizen Crime Prevention
- Shoplifting Prevention and Retail Theft Crews
- Vehicle Burglary and Theft Prevention
- Halloween Safety
- Gun Safety
- Violence in the Workplace
- Bank Robbery Prevention and Dos and Don’ts
Contact Us
Community Orientated Policing (COP) Unit
1200 East Indian Trail
COP Unit
Aurora, IL 60505
Phone: (630) 256-5890
Emergency Phone: 911