Training Division

The Aurora Police Department’s Training Division is responsible for training new officers upon hire, both prior to and after completion of the police academy.  

Newly hired entry level police officers complete two weeks of pre-academy in-house training, 16 week police academy and an additional five weeks of in-house training before being assigned to 16 weeks of field training with an experienced police officer.  The Training Division also conducts six, eight-hour mandatory training sessions annually for all Aurora Police Officers.  Throughout the year, the Training Division also conducts virtual reality training and less lethal de-escalation training.   

The Training Division runs all departmental firearms training and qualifications, certifies officers in the use of Tasers, trains Police Cadets, and provides numerous other training tasks to the department.   One other area of the police department assigned to the Training Division is the Background and Recruiting section.  This section recruits future employees and conducts background investigations on them prior to selection.  

The Training Division consists of one Lieutenant, one Sergeant, two Training Officers/Range Masters and two Background Investigators.