Temporary Fuel Storage Tanks

Temporary Construction Site Fuel Storage Tank Requirements


2,500 Gallon maximum per site.

  • Area around tanks(s) must be free of combustibles for at least 15 feet in all directions.
  • Obtain local permit which is good for 60 days (Renewable for 30 days). Failure to obtain permit will result in removal of tanks and a Fire Code Citation.
  • Proper labeling of tank(s). Tank owner name and phone number; product name contrasting to color of tank.
  • Provide site plan of tank location.
  • Tank(s) must be protected from physical damage and ground must be substantially level.
  • Tanks must be located at least 15 feet from any building and/or property lines (Including road).


60 gallons (i.e. 3-100 pound cycle) water capacity total requires permit. 2,000 gallon maximum.

  • All hose runs must be protected from physical damage.
  • All portable heaters shall be located at least 20 feet from any portable tank.
  • All portable heaters shall be of the type equipped with an approved automatic device to shut off gas flow and pilot in the event of flame extinguishment.

Fuel Tanks

Maximum 2 tanks per site.

  • Dispensing of flammables shall be by mechanical pump and a self-closing valve. Combustibles may be gravity dispensed if self-closing valve is used.
  • Precautions are to be taken to prevent spillage and/or overfills. Any contamination will be required to be cleaned up according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations.
