Threats and Hazards


An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the ground caused by the shifting of rocks deep underneath the earth’s surface. You never know when or where an earthquake will occur, and it can happen anywhere.

Prepare for an Earthquake

  • Make a plan and build a kit
  • Protect your home by securing heavy items and objects that hand on walls.
  • Consider making improvements to your home that could prevent total collapse.
  • Consider obtaining earthquake insurances

During an Earthquake

  • If you are in a car, pull over and stop
  • If you are outdoors, stay outdoors away from buildings
  • If you are inside, Drop, Cover, and Hold On

After an Earthquake

  • Expect aftershocks
  • If you are in a damaged building, go outside and move away from the building
  • If you are trapped, send a text message or bang on a pipe or wall
  • Once you are safe pay attention to local news reports
  • Be careful when cleaning up. Wear protective clothing, thick-soled shoes, and appropriate face covering.
  • Do not enter buildings or dwellings with water leaks, mold growth, gas leaks, or fires.

Power Outages

Extended power outages may impact our community due to severe weather or accidents. A power outage may:

  • Disrupt communications, water or transportation
  • Close businesses including grocery, gas, retail, and banking services
  • Cause food spoilage
  • Prevent use of home medical devices

Prepare for an Outage

  • Take inventory of items you have in your home that need electricity; medical devices, appliances, heating or cooling, etc.Have flashlights and extra batteries on hand
  • Have extra power sources such as power banks for small electronic devices.
  • Consider installing generator back up power for your home.
  • Talk to your medical provider about a power outage plan for your medical devices or refrigerated medicines.

During an Outage

  • Keep freezers and refrigerators closed and limit opening during the outage.
  • Do not use candles as they can cause fires.
  • Do not use gas stoves to heat your home.
  • Do not use fuel powered generators inside your home as they can cause carbon monoxide sickness, and use it at least 20 feetaway from windows, doors, and garages.
  • Disconnect unnecessary electrical devices to avoid damage from electrical surges.
  • Go to a community location with power if the area has extreme heat or cold conditions.

After an Outage

  • Throw away any food that has been exposed to temperatures 40 degrees or higher for two hours or more, or if it has an unusual odor, color, or texture.
  • If the power is out for more than a day, discard any medication that should be refrigerated, unless your primary provider says otherwise.


Explosive devices can be carried in a vehicle or by a person, delivered in a package or concealed on the roadside.

Prepare for an Explosion

  • Build a kit and make a family emergency plan
  • Learn how to identify suspicious activity and what to do in the event of a threat.
  • Make sure you update your information with your employer, bank, lawyer, and other key services about designated beneficiaries or emergency contacts.
  • If you see something, say something by reporting suspicious activity to your local police department.

During or Immediately after an Explosion

  • Follow instructions of local officials
  • Remain calm
  • Evacuate to remain safe – do not retrieve personal possessions or make phone calls until you are at a safe location.

After you evacuate, contact your family to let them know you are safe.


These are nothing new, and everyday bad actors are looking for new targets. If you think you are not at risk – think again! Cyber criminals count on you thinking you are not a target.

  • A cyber-attack is an unwelcome attempt to steal, expose, alter, disable, or destroy another’s assets through unauthorized access to your computer, accounts, or information. An attack can occur in many ways:
  • Accessing vulnerable computers, mobile phones, gaming systems, and internet or Bluetooth connected devices.
  • Phishing attempts to gain access to a system under false pretenses, such as an official looking email or social media profile or post.
  • Hacking into computer software and network systems due to poor security measures.

Protect Yourself

  • Limit your personal information online
  • Change your privacy settings
  • Create strong passwords and update regularly
  • Secure your internet connection and Wi-Fi network
  • Do not click on links in texts, on social media, or emails from people you don’t know
  • Turn on multifactor authentication

During an Attack

  • Check your bank and credit card statements for unrecognizable charges
  • Turn off the device that has been affected
  • Be alert for emails and social media users that ask for private information

After an Attack

  • Contact banks, credit card companies and other financial services to place holds on accounts and close any unauthorized accounts.
  • File a report with the proper federal, state, and local authorities. Go to the local police department first.

Contact additional agencies such as Social Security Administration or Department of Motor Vehicles.