Protect Yourself & Your Family During Severe Weather
Know the severe weather threats where you live.
- Bring several threats when they occur.
- Lightening causes about 55-60 deaths a year and near 400 injuries each year. Stay indoors when lightening is present. Do not swim, play sports or stand under large trees. Do not be the tallest object around. Try and get in doors if possible. Remember "When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors."
- Tornadoes are possible in some thunderstorms when conditions are right. Tornadoes can produce wind speeds up to 200 miles per hour and can stay on the ground for over 50 miles and have been reported to be a mile wide in some cases.
- The safest place to be when a tornado strikes is indoors in an underground shelter, basement or safe room. If a basement is not available locate indoors to the lowest level in an interior room with no windows. If outdoors try and get to a structure with a basement or interior room. If you cannot make it indoors try and find the lowest spot and lie down while covering your head.
Straight-Line Winds
- Straight-line winds are not caused by tornadoes. These types of wind are responsible for the majority of thunderstorm wind damage. These winds can reach up to 125 mph which is strong enough to cause building damage.
- Down burst are caused by rapidly descending air coming out beneath a thunderstorm. Damage from down burst can be as bad as a strong tornado.
Flash Floods & Floods
- ("Turn Around, Don't Drown!") Flash floods and floods are the number 1 cause of deaths associated with Thunderstorms.
- Flash Floods usually occur in less than 6 hours from heavy rainfall, dam or leave failure or ice jams. Many flash floods occur during nighttime hours.
- Floods occur more gradually usually longer than 6 hours and are caused by an abnormally high-water flow.
Hail is larger than sleet and only forms in thunderstorms. Hail can fall at speed exceeding 100 mph. When hail is falling take shelter inside. Large hail has caused serious injuries and property damage. Large hail will break car and building windows.
Weather Inquiries
Call 630-256-4636 for all weather-related inquiries.