Fire Alarms

Fire Alarm Installation Policy

1. Allowed Modifications

It shall be unlawful to install, modify, or upgrade any fire alarm system, or components thereof, other than in single-family detached homes, without first obtaining approval of the Fire Marshall (FM) as defined by City of Aurora Ordinance 17-128. This approval is separate from any other permit required by the Building Department for any new construction, remodel, repair or alteration of any building.

2. Component Requirements

Components of a required Fire Alarm System and/or for receiving station monitoring shall be UL listed and/or FM approved for the use intended and shall comply with:

  • International Fire Code (IFC)/2009 International Fire Code, Chapter 9, Section 907
  • NFPA Standard 72 National Fire Alarm Code
  • The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 70 National Electrical Code, Article 760

Phone line(s) to be routed separately within premises from telephone company Demarc to phone block in alarm panel; wiring must comply with NFPA Standard 70 National Electrical Code, Article 760.

City disconnect, if present, shall be disabled.

3. System Acceptance Requirements

A completed Fire Alarm User Registration Form shall be completed by the fire alarm user and become a requirement for the Certificate of Acceptance, and shall be on file in this office prior to any acceptance tests.

Upon acceptance of the fire alarm system by this office, a Certificate of Acceptance form will be forwarded to the registered fire alarm user. A Certificate of Acceptance sticker will be affixed to the fire alarm panel by the Fire Prevention Bureau.

The Certificate of Acceptance of the fire alarm system is mandatory, as fines for false fire alarms are significantly higher for a system found not to have a Certificate of Acceptance issued by this office.

4. Building Requirements

Lock Box Installation
Location and number of boxes will be determined by the Fire Prevention Bureau. See the Lock Box Installation section for more information.