Business Owner Responsibilities

The Office of the Fire Prevention Bureau, for the City of Aurora, is hereby giving notice to all business owners:

It is your responsibility to submit annual test documentation for all fire alarm, fire sprinkler, and fire pump systems in your building.

Annual Document Submission

These documents must be submitted annually. It is your responsibility to make sure that we receive them.

All test documentation must be submitted to:
Inspection Reports Online (IROL) LLC
Phone: 877-415-4765
Email IROL

Additional Responsibilities

You are responsible for:

  • For the annual testing of your fire alarm system. Per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 72 - National Fire Alarm Code, a licensed Fire Alarm Contractor must test your Fire Alarm System annually and test documentation must be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau.
  • For the annual inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems. Per NFPA 25 Standard, a licensed contractor must test your Fire Pumps, Sprinkler Systems, and Hose Stations annually and test documentation must be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau.
  • For the semi-annual inspection and cleaning of commercial cooking operations per International Fire Code 2009.