Southeast Kane County TRIAD

TRIAD is a program philosophy that focuses on reducing criminal victimization of older persons and enhancing the delivery of law enforcement services to these individuals. TRIAD truly believes that senior citizens should be able to feel safe in their own communities. The philosophy sees law enforcement, older volunteers, and social and aging network professionals come together to assess the needs and concerns of seniors in their community.

The original choice of the word "TRIAD," which means "group of three," was chosen because it represents the National Sheriff's Association, the International Association of the Chiefs of Police, and the American Association of Retired Persons. These three founding groups signed a cooperative agreement to encourage growth of local TRIADs and to sponsor annual meetings to provide information and support local community leadership. The TRIAD program at the local level is not limited to just these three organizations.

History of TRIAD

The TRIAD concept was begun in the 70s in Saint Martin Parish, Louisiana, by Sheriff Charles Fuselier. TRIAD has since grown to become a national program.

The Illinois State TRIAD was formed in 1990 in recognition of the need to guide a statewide response to the critical issue of crime against older persons. The TRIAD is composed of state and local law enforcement, aging, and other professional organizations. The Illinois State TRIAD was one of the first statewide TRIADs in the nation. The Attorney General has placed high on his list of priorities the organization of new TRIADs throughout the state.

Southeast Kane County TRIAD Group

The Southeast Kane County TRIAD was formed in September of 1997, and is sponsored by the Kane County Sheriff's Office, Aurora Police Department,  Montgomery Police DepartmentFox Valley Park District Police and the North Aurora Police Department. TRIAD is also supported by:

  • The Aurora Chapter of AARP
  • Aurora Christian Services
  • Aurora Housing Authority
  • Aurora Manor Nursing Home
  • Aurora Township
  • Family Counseling
  • First Presbyterian Church of Aurora
  • Provena Mercy Hospital
  • Senior Services Associates, Inc.
  • Visiting Nurses Association

Purpose & Goals

The purpose and goals of TRIAD are:

  • To increase awareness of crimes against senior citizens
  • To sponsor programs for senior citizens to reduce fear of crime and educate older citizens about preventive measures they can take to protect themselves
  • To emphasize abuse, neglect, and exploitation of senior citizens as crimes
  • To improve communication and understanding between seniors and law enforcement
  • To improve communication and understanding of the different roles of elder abuse agencies, and other appropriate organizations