Senior Safety Academy

The academy, sponsored by the Southeast Kane County TRIAD, consists of six weekly mini-seminars on topics important to the safety, health, and welfare of seniors. Each session is approximately two hours long, and has two speakers. The facilitators for each session are local persons knowledgeable in their field. Light refreshments and a door prize are offered at each session.

Senior Safety Academies are usually offered at least once a year. Registration is limited, and classes fill up quickly. If you are interested in attending an academy, or just want more information, please give the Southeast Kane County TRIAD a call.


Some topics covered are:

  • Frauds and scams
  • Living wills
  • Long term care planning
  • Medicare benefits
  • Medications and interactions
  • Personal safety and home security
  • Power of attorney for health care
  • Senior living options

A graduation ceremony is held on the final day and certificates handed out to those participants that have attended each session.