Freedom of Information Act

It is the "public policy of the State of Illinois that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government." 5ILCS140/1 The State of Illinois has made this policy a law through the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, which further declares that all persons shall have access to all public records in order to promote transparency and accountability at all levels of government.

How to Make a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request

Make a request online through the City's online portal:

Make a FOIA Request

To make a FOIA request by mail or fax, please download the request form(PDF, 183KB) and send to:

3770 McCoy Drive
Aurora, IL 60504
Fax: 630-256-3299

City of Aurora's FOIA Disclosures

City of Aurora's FOIA Policy

Readily Available Records

Ordinances / Peddlers

Eligibility Lists

Building & Permitting

History / Ordinances

Revenue & Collection Ordinances

Facility Monitoring Reports

Contact Us

City Clerk's Office
44 E Downer Place
Aurora, IL 60507

Phone: 630-256-3070
Fax: 630-256-3079