Frequently Asked Questions

What is considered a personnel complaint?

A complaint of wrong-doing or inappropriate action on the part of any employee of the Aurora Police Department. Any person may lodge a complaint.

Will my complaint be acknowledged?

Yes. Upon the receipt of a complaint, the Office of Professional Standards will review the complaint and send you a confirmation letter. A thorough investigation will be conducted into all complaints. It is imperative that enough information be provided to thoroughly investigate a complaint.

What are some of the reasons that people file personnel complaints?

Many people file personnel complaints because of feelings that they were treated improperly and want the Department to be aware of these actions. Many times, people do not understand why someone was arrested, ticketed, or had force used on them when they did not feel it was appropriate. Some people file personnel complaints because they think it will help their criminal case, traffic ticket, or for revenge against the Department employee. All cases are investigated thoroughly and appropriate actions taken.

What types of complaints will not be taken?

Complaints alleging disagreements on traffic tickets, parking tickets, or probable cause for an arrest are examples of complaints that may not be taken. These decisions are for the Court to make and not normally subject to review by the Aurora Police Department.

Will my complaint be investigated?

Yes. Personnel complaints, where violations of the laws or Aurora Police Department policies and procedures can be articulated, shall be accepted, documented and reviewed. Please understand that some complaints can take in excess of 30 days to investigate. The investigator’s findings are reviewed by the divisional commander. If discipline is being recommended, the investigation will be reviewed by the Employee Review Board (ERB) and finally the Chief of Police. Civilian generated complaints are also reviewed by the City's Civilian Review Board before being sent to the Chief of Police.

Will the employee be told about the complaint?

Yes. As in the case with any potentially punitive process, the accused is afforded the right of knowing what he/she is accused of and who the accusers are. This is done in all fairness to the employee just as it is for any other person.

Will anything happen to the employee?

This depends on what the employee did and if the personnel complaint is sustained against the employee. If the employee’s actions were criminal, the information will be given to the responsible State’s Attorney’s office for possible criminal charges. If the actions were improper, but not criminal, the accused employee will be disciplined according to the Department’s policies and procedures. This procedure will not only subject employees to corrective action when improper conduct is determined, but will also vindicate personnel from unwarranted charges or criticisms when their actions were proper.

Will I be told how the complaint was resolved?

Yes. Both the complainant and the accused employee(s) are notified of the results of the investigation and the disposition of the case. Because of privacy laws, you will be advised of the outcome of the case but not of the specific facts of the investigation. It is possible that parts of the complaint may be sustained, and other parts not sustained.