Office of Professional Standards

Introduction by Chief Keith Cross

A positive relationship between the community and its police department, fostered by trust and confidence, is essential to law enforcement. The Mission Statement of the Aurora Police Department states that we nurture public trust by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and ethics.

Due to the sheer nature of their duties, police officers must be able to act independently and make decisions within the scope of the authority granted them based upon their training, experience, and knowledge of the law. In order for police officers to effectively accomplish this, they must be free to exercise their judgment and discretionary powers so they may initiate appropriate action in a lawful and impartial manner without fear of reprisal. The police officer must strive to do all this and more, while at the same time recognizing the constitutional, statutory, and human rights of each and every individual.

Upon the Chief of Police rests the responsibility of providing and maintaining a system that addresses and investigates the public’s complaints. This system will not only subject personnel to corrective action when wrong-doing or inappropriate conduct is determined, but will also serve to vindicate personnel when duties are properly and reasonably performed. It is imperative that provisions be made for the prompt and objective investigation and disposition of personnel complaints and criticisms regarding the conduct and job performance of employees of the Aurora Police Department.

The goal of the Aurora Police Department is to provide the community with the finest and most efficient police services available.

- Keith Cross, Chief of Police


Aurora Police Department Commendation Process

Step 1: Commendation Filed

  • Internal Commendation - An employee or supervisor submits a Commendation and routes it up through the chain of command.
  • External Commendation - There are many ways for a citizen to submit a Commendation, but the preferred method is through the Public Portal.
  • Commendations may be made anonymously.

Step 2: Supervisor Review

APD supervisors then review the submission, add their comments /remarks and route it to APD's Office of Professional Standards.

Step 3: Commander Review

The Bureau Commander reviews the submission forwarded by the Office of Professional Standards, adds their comments / remarks and route it back to APD's Office of Professional Standards.

Step 4: Commander Review

APD's Office of Professional Standards then routes the submission to the Commendation Committee, which is made of one commander, two lieutenants, two sergeants, two officers and two civilians.

The Commendation Committee meets once a month to determine the Employee of the Month and decide which commendation each submission will receive.

Step 5: Award Presented to Employee

After the Commendation Committee meeting, the letters and certificates are created, and then hand delivered to the respective lieutenants to be distributed to the employee.

Additional Information

In no way does the lack of formal recognition through this process intend to dismiss the hard work, sacrifice and dedication that our employees and our public routinely display. Rather this process also honors their efforts in our formal recognition ceremonies.