Crime Stoppers



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Call (630) 892-1000

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Crime Stoppers is a community program geared toward public involvement in the fight against crime. It offers cash rewards up to $5,000 and anonymity to citizens who furnish information leading to the arrest of felony crime offenders and to the capture of felony fugitives.

How Crime Stoppers Works

When a call is received by Crime Stoppers, it is logged with the date, time and a brief summary of the caller's information. Callers are furnished with a secret code number which is used in subsequent transactions. Callers remain anonymous, with no pressure to reveal their identity, and still collect their rewards. If a caller's information results in the arrest of an offender or apprehension of a fugitive, arrangements are made so that the person can receive a reward in cash and preserve their anonymity.


A board of prominent citizens oversees the Crime Stoppers program and approves the rewards to be paid, based on information presented by the Police coordinators; however, this board does not know who called in the information. The Board is presented the facts and the code number is the only identifier used.

Success of Crime Stoppers

Aurora Area Crime Stoppers has been successful in helping the Aurora Police and other Police Agencies in solving felony cases and recovering stolen property. There have been more than 3,000 calls made to Crime Stoppers resulting in the recovery of over $2.6 million in narcotics and stolen property. In addition 600 arrests have been made.


Aurora Area Crime Stoppers is a non profit organization and is funded primarily by private donations of money, goods or services from members of the public including individuals, corporations, clubs, associations, retailers, and other organizations. Contributions are tax deductible.