Eligibility Requirements
- Must be an U.S. citizen at the time of appointment.
- Must possess a valid Class “D” Illinois driver’s license or a valid out-of-state driver’s license of similar classification.
- The applicant must have achieved a high school diploma with a grade point average of 2.0 out of 4.0 (or an equivalent on a scale with a maximum grade point average other than 4.0), or a G.E.D. with a passing score equivalent to 2.0 grade point average, or at least sixteen (16) hours of college credit with a grade point average of 2.0 out of 4.0 (or an equivalent on a scale with a maximum grade point average other than 4.0) regardless of high school grade point average or G.E.D. composite score.
- Must be able to meet vision standard at time of appointment. Must be correctable to 20/20 with both eyes open including field of vision/depth perception/color vision within normal ranges.
- Must possess a valid Peace Officer Wellness Evaluation Report (POWER)(PDF, 55KB) Test card. Certifications will be considered valid within one (1) year of the issuance date.
- Must be of excellent moral character and personal integrity.
- Must able be to pass a subsequent polygraph and psychological examination will be required, in addition to a thorough background investigation, drug screen and per-employment physical.
- Must be able to obtain a FOID Card
Tattoo Policy
Tattoos to the head, neck and facial area are prohibited. Hand tattoos are not allowed, however, there are very limited exceptions with approval from the Chief of Police.
Officers are permitted to have tattoos elsewhere, visible to the public, if the tattoo is not objectionable or demeaning to the image of the Department. The nature, number, size, and location of the tattoos are all factors in determining whether such tattoos are objectionable or demeaning. Examples include but are not limited to; tattoos that contain nudity, profanity, or to be perceived as gang related, criminal, obscene, sexual, racial, or detracts from the professional image of a law enforcement officer.
The covering of objectionable tattoos with make-up, sleeves, Band-Aids, etc., shall not constitute conforming to this policy. All tattoos shall be covered for court appearances.
Have Questions or Need More Info?
If you have additional questions regarding the police application, testing and hiring process, please reach out to the Aurora Police Department's Recruiting Team.
Connect with our Recruiting Team
(630) 256-COPS (2677)