Reports & Applications

How do I get a copy of a fire report?

Submit requests in writing to:

Aurora Fire Department/Central Station
Attention Records
75 N Broadway
Aurora, IL 60505

Insurance companies and investigators must remember to include a $5 processing fee.

There are a few ways to obtain a request form. Homeowners, renters and landlords can obtain a free copy of a fire report by going to Aurora Fire Department’s Central Station, filling out a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request form and showing valid identification. Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.

To make a request online through the City’s online portal.

How do I get a copy of an ambulance report?

Contact Aurora Fire Department Records department at 630-256-4000 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.

How do I become a firefighter? When are you taking applications again?

Please only apply when we post a firefighter position opening. More application information is available on the Application Process page.

Operations & Recommendations

My Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector / fire alarm is going off. What do I do?

If your CO detector or fire alarm is going off, call 911 immediately.

What is the Fire Department's Insurance Service Office (ISO) rating?

Currently, the Aurora Fire Department maintains a fire protection rating of "Class 2" though the Insurance Service Office.

I have several old cans of paint, solvents and thinners. How can I safely dispose of household-generated hazardous materials?

The Household Hazardous Waste facility in Naperville is open and available to all residents of Illinois at no charge. Household hazardous waste items are materials purchased for cleaning or maintaining a home. Business waste is not accepted.

Household Hazardous Waste Facility
156 Fort Hill Drive
Naperville, IL60540

The Household Hazardous Waste Facility is open every Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

No appointment is necessary, and there is no fee for using the facility.

Accepted Household Items

  • Aerosol cans (only accepted if product is inside)
  • Automotive fluids (including oil, gasoline and anti-freeze) Gasoline containers can be returned as requested to you once emptied by attendant. Keep fluids separate.
  • Asbestos materials. In a size that will fit in a 55-gallon drum and not in excess of 50 pounds. Must be triple bagged.
    Batteries (automotive, marine, sump pump and non- alkaline) Lead acid batteries requires that all caps are in place.
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Flammables
  • Fluorescent bulbs, CFLs (sealed, unbroken only)
  • Household cleaners, drain openers and pool chemicals
  • Mercury
  • Paints and stains (oil-based only)
  • Peanut oil
  • Poison, pesticides and fertilizers
  • Propane tanks up to 20 lbs.
  • Solvents and strippers
  • Thermostats
  • Unknown hazardous substances
  • E-cigarettes, Vapes and Pods

Items Not Accepted

  • Ammunition
  • Compressed gas (other than propane)
  • Empty spray cans and containers
  • Explosives
  • Helium tanks
  • Latex Paint (see below)
  • Paper, glass, metal, wood and Styrofoam
  • Radioactive materials
  • Sharps (needles or lancets)
  • Smoke detectors
  • Tires
  • Trash and non-hazardous materials
  • Unopened, useable consumer products
  • Alkaline Batteries (household batteries)
  • Controlled substances, medications, or pharmaceutical products. Including over the counter medications.Latex Paint and Stain Disposal and Recycling
  • Latex paint is not a hazardous material. To discard leftover latex paint in the trash it must first be hardened. Leave the lid off or, to expedite the process, add an absorbent such as cat litter, oil dry or saw dust. Once the liquid paint is absorbed, place the can in the garbage with the lid off, so the driver can tell the paint is dry.

Funding Partners

  • City of Naperville - (630) 420-6095
  • DuPage County - (630) 407-6700
  • Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) - (217) 782-3397
  • City of Aurora - (630) 844-3621
  • Kane County - (630) 208-3841
  • Will County - (815) 727-8834

For more information, visit the Environment and Sustainability Division of the DuPage County Department of Planning and Zoning.

Where can I get fire extinguishers refilled?

The Fire Department does not service or refill fire extinguishers. Look in the Yellow Pages under fire extinguishers or fire extinguishing systems.

I need help installing my child's car safety seat. Who should I call?

The Aurora Fire Department has certified car seat installers. You may call them at 630-256-4000 to set up an appointment.

How can I arrange a tour of a fire station?

You can call the Fire Prevention Bureau for assistance at 630-256-4130. To tour a fire station or request a program, fill out the request form(PDF, 97KB).

How much does an ambulance transport cost?

Resident fees range from $1,300.00 to $1,420.00 plus mileage. Non–resident fees range from $1,890.00 to $2,270.00 plus mileage.

Do you accept tattered American flags for proper disposal?

Yes, the Aurora Fire Department maintains a flag disposal box at:

Central Station
75 N Broadway
Aurora, IL 60505

Flags deposited there are given to local veterans organizations, where they are properly disposed. For information on how to respectfully display the American flag, go to The American Legion Flag FAQs.

Jobs With AFD

What is the CPAT?

The Candidate Physical Ability Test, or CPAT, is a standardized test created by the International Association of Fire Fighters and the International Association of Fire Chiefs to assist fire departments with the recruitment of candidates who are physically capable of performing the essential tasks of a firefighter. The CPAT is acknowledged as a reliable indicator of an individual's ability to function at the scene of a fire.

The CPAT requires firefighter candidates to engage in the following activities:

  • Stair Climb (climbing stairs while carrying an additional 25 pound simulated hose pack)
  • Hose Drag (stretching uncharged hose lines, advancing lines)
  • Equipment Carry (removing and carrying equipment from fire apparatus to fireground)
  • Ladder Raise & Extension (placing a ground ladder at the fire scene and extending the ladder to the roof or a window)
  • Forcible Entry (penetrating a locked door, breaching a wall)
  • Search (crawling through dark unpredictable areas to search for victims)
  • Rescue (removing victim or partner from a fire building)
  • Ceiling Breach & Pull (locating fire and checking for fire extension)

All these exercises must be completed in less than 10 minutes and 20 seconds. Candidates wear a hard hat, gloves, and a weighted vest to simulate the weight of firefighting equipment throughout the test. Candidate success is measured on a pass/fail basis.

Click here to watch the CPAT Instructional Video.


Where can I obtain the CPAT?

There are a variety of locations to obtain the CPAT, but common locations are through National Testing Network, NIPSTA, the City of Naperville, Southwestern Unified Fire District, Mabas 24, and the Huntley Fire Department.


When do I need to have my CPAT and Ladder Climb and how long are they valid for?

The CPAT and Ladder Climb is required in our process by the time of the candidate’s background phase. This will differ for each candidate depending on placement on the eligibility list and academy timelines. If the candidate does not already have a CPAT and Ladder Climb, they will be prompted to begin the process of obtaining once they are contacted to schedule a polygraph appointment. The CPAT and Ladder Climb certifications are separate, different certifications and both certifications must be presented. CPAT certifications are considered calid within 1 year of the issuance date. Ladder Climb certifications will be considered valid within 5 years of the issuance date.


What is the Ladder Climb Exercise?

The ladder climb exercise will challenge a candidate's ability to climb to the top of an extended ground ladder that is in a fixed, inclined position. The candidate will then be required to retreat on the ladder to ground level. Safety information and event instructions will be provided to all candidates prior to the exercise. This exercise is not related to the CPAT and will not impact a candidate's CPAT test result in any way. A certificate of completion will be issued to those who successfully complete the exercise.


Where will the test locations be?

We use a video-based, job simulation multiple choice exam administered and proctored byNational Testing Network. The applicant registers, pays the required fee, and selects which location, in their respective state where they would take the test.


What if I need assistance covering the cost of the exam?

You may complete and submit the hardship waiver with supporting documentation to the Human Resource Department for review. Applicant eligibility for the testing scholarship is determined by the same income guidelines, with the same limits based on household size, that are used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the federal free meals program. Please allow up to 5 business days for processing.


Can I study for the Fire Private exam?

The test is a general aptitude test designed to test your inherent skills and abilities.


What can I expect when taking the video-based, job simulation multiple choice exam?

There are four components to the National Testing Network. Each section has its own passing score, and all sections must be passed in order to be considered a pass on the overall exam. Total test time takes approximately 2 hours.

1. Human Relations Test

Part I

The Human Relations Test focuses on teamwork and human relations skills and was specifically designed for firefighters. Candidates watch a video segment and then choose the best course of action in a multiple-choice format. The test items play without stopping.

Part II

Candidates are instructed to pay attention to the behaviors of the individual firefighters and supervisors portrayed in the Human Relations test, then answer questions about the characters. Part II immediately follows Part I.

2. Mechanical Test

The Mechanical Test is a multiple-choice mechanical aptitude test presented on video. Candidates see detailed introductions to an animated brick-making factory, then are asked questions about the factory. Most of the questions are about basic mechanical objects and principles such as valves and water pressure. They are also asked to answer troubleshooting type questions and observe system operations for problems. All the questions can be answered based on common sense and observation of how everyday objects work.

3. Reading Test

This test is designed specifically for firefighters, a job requiring ongoing study of difficult and technical materials. Candidates are required to choose a word that best fits in the blank.

4. Math Test

This math test is designed specifically for firefighters. The questions are presented on video. Candidates must complete the calculations in their heads. No written calculation is permitted. Questions are based on the type of math that firefighters must use on a regular basis as part of the job. Basic areas covered include: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and proportions.


Can any of the testing phases be missed?

No, all phases are mandatory even if completed previously for other departments or processes.


What can I do to increase my chances of being hired?

The City of Aurora offers preference points that are added to test results to determine final placement on the eligibility list. Supporting documentation is required. Preference points can only be added to a passing score and will only be applied in the application/testing phase. The maximum amount of points a candidate can be eligible to receive is 15 points. The preference points are as follows:

  • Aurora Residency: 5 points
  • Bilingual (Spanish): 2 points
  • Paramedic: 5 points
  • AFD Cadet: 3 points (completion of 2 years and obtained EMT-B) or 5 points (completion of 3 years and obtained EMT-P)
  • Explorer Post 99: 3 points
  • Military service: 5 points for active-duty service or reserves for more than 180 days


Are there any exceptions to the 2.0 GPA or GED minimum composite score?

No, but the high school and college GPAs are independent of one another. 

  1. If your high school GPA was under 2.0 but you’ve had at least 16 hours of college credit and your college GPA is 2.0 or higher, you’re eligible. 
  2. If your college GPA is under 2.0, but your high school G.P.A. was 2.0 or higher, you’re eligible. 
  3. A GED with a passing score equivalent to 2.0 grade point average would also make you eligible.


What if I was home-schooled, am I still eligible?

Yes. You must have a GED with a passing score equivalent to 2.0 grade point average and/or have at least 16 hours of college credit with a 2.0 GPA.


Contact Information

What is the Chief’s name and mailing address?

The Chief's name is David McCabe. The department mailing address is:

75 N Broadway
Aurora, IL 60505

What is the department address?

The department address (which is the same as the central station address) is:

75 N Broadway
Aurora, IL 60505

To see the complete entry of contact information for this department, view our staff directory.

What are the phone and fax numbers for the department and stations?

The Fire Department fax number is 630-256-4009.

Phone numbers are:

  • Central Station - 630-256-4000
  • Station 3 - 630-256-4030
  • Station 4 - 630-256-4040
  • Station 5 - 630-256-4050
  • Station 7 - 630-256-4070
  • Station 8 - 630-256-4080
  • Station 9 - 630-256-4090
  • Station 10 - 630-256-4110
  • Station 12 - 630-256-4120

Where is this street? / What if I'm trying to locate a certain street?

Call Customer Service at 630-256-4636 (information line) for directions.

What's the number for the Aurora Police Department?

The phone number is 630-256-5000 (non-emergency number).

What's the number for City Hall?

The phone number for City Hall is 630-256-4636.

How do I know which station is closest to my residence?

You can call Central Station at 630-256-4000 or check our Fire Station Location Guide(PDF, 318KB).