Gang Awareness for Parents

When it comes to keeping your children away from gangs and gang involvement, parents must have these three I’s in mind: Interest, Involvement, and Investigation.


Parents should show an active interest in their children’s lives. Parents should monitor their school grades and know their child’s goals, activities, sports, hobbies, interests, and most important their friends.


  • Parents need to be actively involved in their children’s lives.
  • Keep them involved in family activities and functions.
  • Give them encouragement, praise and reward.
  • Give them attention - spend time with them.
  • Show your kids love. It is an important part of life for everyone!
  • Trust - It should be earned by the youth and respected by the parents.
  • Family values and morals (teach and demonstrate responsibility, common decency and a sense of community).


Parents should be the family detectives. This should not be done as a means to spy on the child, but to protect the child and family from negative outside influences.

  • Know their friends and attempt to get to know their parents.
  • Question why they want to wear certain colors, clothing or jewelry.
  • What is in the child’s room? The child should have privacy, but the parent should maintain control. At minimum, an occasional inspection should be done. The child can be present and the parent should explain the purpose as, “for the protection of the child and family from negative outside influences.”
  • Know what music your child likes and listens to. What are the lyrics saying and teaching?
  • Where is your child hanging out and with whom? How are their school grades? Any drastic changes?
  • Listen to the language your child speaks. Do you approve? Is it common slang or gang talk?
  • Watch your child’s actions. Does the child model or imitate gang culture or behavior?
  • Look at your child’s phone and computer. Monitor their pictures and social media accounts, and know what they are doing on the internet. Look for multiple social media accounts with alias names.

What Others Can Do to Help

  • Support and encourage kids to stay out of gangs.
  • Inform parents of at-risk behavior you observe.
  • Share intelligence and information with the police and call the Special Operations Group with any questions or concerns (630-256-5600).

Want More Information?

We will be happy to discuss any of these issues with you, so please contact us.

We will also gladly conduct a gang talk for schools, churches, businesses, or community groups to help with gang awareness and education.

Contact Us

Greg Spayth
Lieutenant, Special Operations Group
(630) 256-5611